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Fusce ac sem vitae m vitae m vitaedddnisi dictum posuere et in ligu. Fusce ac sem vitae m vitae m vitaedddnisi dictum posuere et in ligu2. Fusce ac sem vitae m vitae m vitaedddnisi dictum posuere et in ligu2.
CÉLÉBRATIONS DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE. Le Chœur grégorien de Laval, sous la direction de M. André Beaudoin, est venu exécuter les chants de la messe à notre abbaye. Vient célébrer la messe en notre église, pour une première fois,.
Abbaye benedictine au centre ville de Liege Abbaye , Abbesse, Bénédictine, Benoît, Chant, Communauté, Couvent, Eucharistie, Hospitalité, Icône, Laudes, Lectio, Liturgie, Moine, Monastere, Office Divin, Paix Notre Dame, Priere, Religieuse, Retraite, Vepres, Vie monastique, Vigiles, Vocation.
Moniales Bénédictines du Mont des Oliviers. La parole du Seigneur est sans alliage. Aux sources de notre spiritualité. Notre vie au fil des jours. Vous êtes accueillis au Monastère des Bénédictines au Mont des Oliviers à Jérusalem, Soyez les Bienvenus. Quelques mots sur notre communauté.
The Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will. Click on the images below to learn more about the community. The Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will. Are a new Catholic religious community. In the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, Italy. Established in 2011, under his Excellency, Bishop Luigi Negri, the community. Is devoted to living life according to the Rule of St. And applying the writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta within this Benedictine context.
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. The construction of our church. Continues thanks to God, St. Joseph, and you, our benefactors! Please join us in praying a monthly Novena to St. Joseph, nine days preceding every 1st Wednesday. He still has some work to do! Glorious St. Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ! V O glorious Saint Joseph, through the love you bear to. Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His name,. R Hear our prayers and obtain our petitions.